
Welcome to the Rollkit Specifications.

Protocol/Component Name


Provide a concise description of the purpose of the component for which the specification is written, along with its contribution to the rollkit or other relevant parts of the system. Make sure to include proper references to the relevant sections.

Protocol/Component Description

Offer a comprehensive explanation of the protocol, covering aspects such as data flow, communication mechanisms, and any other details necessary for understanding the inner workings of this component.

Message Structure/Communication Format

If this particular component is expected to communicate over the network, outline the structure of the message protocol, including details such as field interpretation, message format, and any other relevant information.

Assumptions and Considerations

If there are any assumptions required for the component's correct operation, performance, security, or other expected features, outline them here. Additionally, provide any relevant considerations related to security or other concerns.


Include a link to the location where the implementation of this protocol can be found. Note that specific implementation details should be documented in the rollkit repository rather than in the specification document.


List any references used or cited in the document.

General Tips

How to use a mermaid diagram that you can display in a markdown

    title Example
    participant A
    participant B
    A->>B: Example
    B->>A: Example

graph LR
   A[Example] --> B[Example]
   B --> C[Example]
   C --> A

   title Example
   dateFormat  YYYY-MM-DD
   section Example
   A :done,    des1, 2014-01-06,2014-01-08
   B :done,    des2, 2014-01-06,2014-01-08
   C :done,    des3, 2014-01-06,2014-01-08

Grammar and spelling check

The recommendation is to use your favorite spellchecker extension in your IDE like grammarly, to make sure that the document is free of spelling and grammar errors.

If you want to use links use proper syntax. This goes for both internal and external links like documentation or external links

At the bottom of the document in Reference, you can add the following footnotes that will be visible in the markdown document:

[1] Grammarly

[2] Documentation

[3] external links

Then at the bottom add the actual links that will not be visible in the markdown document:

Use of tables

If you are describing variables, components or other things in a structured list that can be described in a table use the following syntax:


Rollkit Dependency Graph

Dependency Graph

We use the following color coding in this Graph:

  • No Colour: Work not yet started
  • Yellow Box: Work in progress
  • Green Box: Work completed or at least unblocking the next dependency
  • Red Border: Work needs to happen in cooperation with another team

If the EPICs are not linked to the box yet, it means that this box has currently no priority or is still in the ideation phase or the dependency is unclear.

Block Manager


The block manager is a key component of full nodes and is responsible for block production or block syncing depending on the node type: sequencer or non-sequencer. Block syncing in this context includes retrieving the published blocks from the network (P2P network or DA network), validating them to raise fraud proofs upon validation failure, updating the state, and storing the validated blocks. A full node invokes multiple block manager functionalities in parallel, such as:

  • Block Production (only for sequencer full nodes)
  • Block Publication to DA network
  • Block Retrieval from DA network
  • Block Sync Service
  • Block Publication to P2P network
  • Block Retrieval from P2P network
  • State Update after Block Retrieval
    title Overview of Block Manager

    participant User
    participant Sequencer
    participant Full Node 1
    participant Full Node 2
    participant DA Layer

    User->>Sequencer: Send Tx
    Sequencer->>Sequencer: Generate Block
    Sequencer->>DA Layer: Publish Block

    Sequencer->>Full Node 1: Gossip Block
    Sequencer->>Full Node 2: Gossip Block
    Full Node 1->>Full Node 1: Verify Block
    Full Node 1->>Full Node 2: Gossip Block
    Full Node 1->>Full Node 1: Mark Block Soft Confirmed

    Full Node 2->>Full Node 2: Verify Block
    Full Node 2->>Full Node 2: Mark Block Soft Confirmed

    DA Layer->>Full Node 1: Retrieve Block
    Full Node 1->>Full Node 1: Mark Block DA Included

    DA Layer->>Full Node 2: Retrieve Block
    Full Node 2->>Full Node 2: Mark Block DA Included

Protocol/Component Description

The block manager is initialized using several parameters as defined below:

signing keycrypto.PrivKeyused for signing a block after it is created
configconfig.BlockManagerConfigblock manager configurations (see config options below)
genesis*cmtypes.GenesisDocinitialize the block manager with genesis state (genesis configuration defined in config/genesis.json file under the app directory)
storestore.Storelocal datastore for storing rollup blocks and states (default local store path is $db_dir/rollkit and db_dir specified in the config.toml file under the app directory)
mempool, proxyapp, eventbusmempool.Mempool, proxy.AppConnConsensus, *cmtypes.EventBusfor initializing the executor (state transition function). mempool is also used in the manager to check for availability of transactions for lazy block production
dalcda.DAClientthe data availability light client used to submit and retrieve blocks to DA network
blockstore*goheaderstore.Store[*types.Block]to retrieve blocks gossiped over the P2P network

Block manager configuration options:

BlockTimetime.Durationtime interval used for block production and block retrieval from block store (defaultBlockTime)
DABlockTimetime.Durationtime interval used for both block publication to DA network and block retrieval from DA network (defaultDABlockTime)
DAStartHeightuint64block retrieval from DA network starts from this height
LazyBlockTimetime.Durationtime interval used for block production in lazy aggregator mode even when there are no transactions (defaultLazyBlockTime)

Block Production

When the full node is operating as a sequencer (aka aggregator), the block manager runs the block production logic. There are two modes of block production, which can be specified in the block manager configurations: normal and lazy.

In normal mode, the block manager runs a timer, which is set to the BlockTime configuration parameter, and continuously produces blocks at BlockTime intervals.

In lazy mode, the block manager starts building a block when any transaction becomes available in the mempool. After the first notification of the transaction availability, the manager will wait for a 1 second timer to finish, in order to collect as many transactions from the mempool as possible. The 1 second delay is chosen in accordance with the default block time of 1s. The block manager also notifies the full node after every lazy block building.

Building the Block

The block manager of the sequencer nodes performs the following steps to produce a block:

  • Call CreateBlock using executor
  • Sign the block using signing key to generate commitment
  • Call ApplyBlock using executor to generate an updated state
  • Save the block, validators, and updated state to local store
  • Add the newly generated block to pendingBlocks queue
  • Publish the newly generated block to channels to notify other components of the sequencer node (such as block and header gossip)

Block Publication to DA Network

The block manager of the sequencer full nodes regularly publishes the produced blocks (that are pending in the pendingBlocks queue) to the DA network using the DABlockTime configuration parameter defined in the block manager config. In the event of failure to publish the block to the DA network, the manager will perform maxSubmitAttempts attempts and an exponential backoff interval between the attempts. The exponential backoff interval starts off at initialBackoff and it doubles in the next attempt and capped at DABlockTime. A successful publish event leads to the emptying of pendingBlocks queue and a failure event leads to proper error reporting without emptying of pendingBlocks queue.

Block Retrieval from DA Network

The block manager of the full nodes regularly pulls blocks from the DA network at DABlockTime intervals and starts off with a DA height read from the last state stored in the local store or DAStartHeight configuration parameter, whichever is the latest. The block manager also actively maintains and increments the daHeight counter after every DA pull. The pull happens by making the RetrieveBlocks(daHeight) request using the Data Availability Light Client (DALC) retriever, which can return either Success, NotFound, or Error. In the event of an error, a retry logic kicks in after a delay of 100 milliseconds delay between every retry and after 10 retries, an error is logged and the daHeight counter is not incremented, which basically results in the intentional stalling of the block retrieval logic. In the block NotFound scenario, there is no error as it is acceptable to have no rollup block at every DA height. The retrieval successfully increments the daHeight counter in this case. Finally, for the Success scenario, first, blocks that are successfully retrieved are marked as DA included and are sent to be applied (or state update). A successful state update triggers fresh DA and block store pulls without respecting the DABlockTime and BlockTime intervals.

Out-of-Order Rollup Blocks on DA

Rollkit should support blocks arriving out-of-order on DA, like so: out-of-order blocks

Termination Condition

If the sequencer double-signs two blocks at the same height, evidence of the fault should be posted to DA. Rollkit full nodes should process the longest valid chain up to the height of the fault evidence, and terminate. See diagram: termination conidition

Block Sync Service

The block sync service is created during full node initialization. After that, during the block manager's initialization, a pointer to the block store inside the block sync service is passed to it. Blocks created in the block manager are then passed to the BlockCh channel and then sent to the go-header service to be gossiped blocks over the P2P network.

Block Publication to P2P network

Blocks created by the sequencer that are ready to be published to the P2P network are sent to the BlockCh channel in Block Manager inside publishLoop. The blockPublishLoop in the full node continuously listens for new blocks from the BlockCh channel and when a new block is received, it is written to the block store and broadcasted to the network using the block sync service.

Among non-sequencer full nodes, all the block gossiping is handled by the block sync service, and they do not need to publish blocks to the P2P network using any of the block manager components.

Block Retrieval from P2P network

For non-sequencer full nodes, Blocks gossiped through the P2P network are retrieved from the Block Store in BlockStoreRetrieveLoop in Block Manager. Starting off with a block store height of zero, for every blockTime unit of time, a signal is sent to the blockStoreCh channel in the block manager and when this signal is received, the BlockStoreRetrieveLoop retrieves blocks from the block store. It keeps track of the last retrieved block's height and every time the current block store's height is greater than the last retrieved block's height, it retrieves all blocks from the block store that are between these two heights. For each retrieved block, it sends a new block event to the blockInCh channel which is the same channel in which blocks retrieved from the DA layer are sent. This block is marked as soft confirmed by the validating full node until the same block is seen on the DA layer and then marked DA-included.

Although a sequencer does not need to retrieve blocks from the P2P network, it still runs the BlockStoreRetrieveLoop.

About Soft Confirmations and DA Inclusions

The block manager retrieves blocks from both the P2P network and the underlying DA network because the blocks are available in the P2P network faster and DA retrieval is slower (e.g., 1 second vs 15 seconds). The blocks retrieved from the P2P network are only marked as soft confirmed until the DA retrieval succeeds on those blocks and they are marked DA included. DA included blocks can be considered to have a higher level of finality.

State Update after Block Retrieval

The block manager stores and applies the block to update its state every time a new block is retrieved either via the P2P or DA network. State update involves:

  • ApplyBlock using executor: validates the block, executes the block (applies the transactions), captures the validator updates, and creates an updated state.
  • Commit using executor: commit the execution and changes, update mempool, and publish events
  • Store the block, the validators, and the updated state.

Message Structure/Communication Format

The communication between the block manager and executor:

  • InitChain: using the genesis, a set of parameters, and validator set to invoke InitChainSync on the proxyApp to obtain initial appHash and initialize the state.
  • Commit: commit the execution and changes, update mempool, and publish events.
  • CreateBlock: prepare a block by polling transactions from mempool.
  • ApplyBlock: validate the block, execute the block (apply transactions), validator updates, create and return updated state

The communication between the full node and block manager:

  • Notify when the block is published
  • Notify when the block is done lazy building

Assumptions and Considerations

  • The block manager loads the initial state from the local store and uses genesis if not found in the local store, when the node (re)starts.
  • The default mode for sequencer nodes is normal (not lazy).
  • The sequencer can produce empty blocks.
  • The block manager uses persistent storage (disk) when the root_dir and db_path configuration parameters are specified in config.toml file under the app directory. If these configuration parameters are not specified, the in-memory storage is used, which will not be persistent if the node stops.
  • The block manager does not re-apply the block again (in other words, create a new updated state and persist it) when a block was initially applied using P2P block sync, but later was DA included during DA retrieval. The block is only marked DA included in this case.
  • The block sync store is created by prefixing blockSync on the main data store.
  • The genesis ChainID is used to create the PubSubTopID in go-header with the string -block appended to it. This append is because the full node also has a P2P header sync running with a different P2P network. Refer to go-header specs for more details.
  • Block sync over the P2P network works only when a full node is connected to the P2P network by specifying the initial seeds to connect to via P2PConfig.Seeds configuration parameter when starting the full node.
  • Node's context is passed down to all the components of the P2P block sync to control shutting down the service either abruptly (in case of failure) or gracefully (during successful scenarios).


See block-manager

See tutorial for running a multi-node network with both sequencer and non-sequencer full nodes.


[1] Go Header

[2] Block Sync

[3] Full Node

[4] Block Manager

[5] Tutorial

Block Executor


The BlockExecutor is a component responsible for creating, applying, and maintaining blocks and state in the system. It interacts with the mempool and the application via the ABCI interface.

Detailed Description

The BlockExecutor is initialized with a proposer address, namespace ID, chain ID, mempool, proxyApp, eventBus, and logger. It uses these to manage the creation and application of blocks. It also validates blocks and commits them, updating the state as necessary.

  • NewBlockExecutor: This method creates a new instance of BlockExecutor. It takes a proposer address, namespace ID, chain ID, mempool, proxyApp, eventBus, and logger as parameters. See block manager for details.

  • InitChain: This method initializes the chain by calling ABCI InitChainSync using the consensus connection to the app. It takes a GenesisDoc as a parameter. It sends a ABCI RequestInitChain message with the genesis parameters including:

    • Genesis Time
    • Chain ID
    • Consensus Parameters including:
      • Block Max Bytes
      • Block Max Gas
      • Evidence Parameters
      • Validator Parameters
      • Version Parameters
    • Initial Validator Set using genesis validators
    • Initial Height
  • CreateBlock: This method reaps transactions from the mempool and builds a block. It takes the state, the height of the block, last header hash, and the signature as parameters.

  • ApplyBlock: This method applies the block to the state. Given the current state and block to be applied, it:

    • Validates the block, as described in Validate.

    • Executes the block using app, as described in execute.

    • Captures the validator updates done in the execute block.

    • Updates the state using the block, block execution responses, and validator updates as described in updateState.

    • Returns the updated state, validator updates and errors, if any, after applying the block.

    • It can return the following named errors:

      • ErrEmptyValSetGenerate: returned when applying the validator changes would result in empty set.
      • ErrAddingValidatorToBased: returned when adding validators to empty validator set.
  • Validate: This method validates the block. It takes the state and the block as parameters. In addition to the basic block validation rules, it applies the following validations:

    • New block version must match block version of the state.
    • If state is at genesis, new block height must match initial height of the state.
    • New block height must be last block height + 1 of the state.
    • New block header AppHash must match state AppHash.
    • New block header LastResultsHash must match state LastResultsHash.
    • New block header AggregatorsHash must match state Validators.Hash().
  • Commit: This method commits the block and updates the mempool. Given the updated state, the block, and the ABCI ResponseFinalizeBlock as parameters, it:

    • Invokes app commit, basically finalizing the last execution, by calling ABCI Commit.
    • Updates the mempool to inform that the transactions included in the block can be safely discarded.
    • Publishes the events produced during the block execution for indexing.
  • updateState: This method updates the state. Given the current state, the block, the ABCI ResponseFinalizeBlock and the validator updates, it validates the updated validator set, updates the state by applying the block and returns the updated state and errors, if any. The state consists of:

    • Version
    • Chain ID
    • Initial Height
    • Last Block including:
      • Block Height
      • Block Time
      • Block ID
    • Next Validator Set
    • Current Validator Set
    • Last Validators
    • Whether Last Height Validators changed
    • Consensus Parameters
    • Whether Last Height Consensus Parameters changed
    • App Hash
  • execute: This method executes the block. It takes the context, the state, and the block as parameters. It calls the ABCI method FinalizeBlock with the ABCI RequestFinalizeBlock containing the block hash, ABCI header, commit, transactions and returns the ABCI ResponseFinalizeBlock and errors, if any.

  • publishEvents: This method publishes events related to the block. It takes the ABCI ResponseFinalizeBlock, the block, and the state as parameters.

Message Structure/Communication Format

The BlockExecutor communicates with the application via the ABCI interface. It calls the ABCI methods InitChainSync, FinalizeBlock, Commit for initializing a new chain and creating blocks, respectively.

Assumptions and Considerations

The BlockExecutor assumes that there is consensus connection available to the app, which can be used to send and receive ABCI messages. In addition there are some important pre-condition and post-condition invariants, as follows:

  • InitChain:

    • pre-condition:
      • state is at genesis.
    • post-condition:
      • new chain is initialized.
  • CreateBlock:

    • pre-condition:
      • chain is initialized
    • post-condition:
      • new block is created
  • ApplyBlock:

    • pre-condition:
      • block is valid, using basic block validation rules as well as validations performed in Validate, as described above.
    • post-condition:
      • block is added to the chain, state is updated and block execution responses are captured.
  • Commit:

    • pre-condition:
      • block has been applied
    • post-condition:
      • block is committed
      • mempool is cleared of block transactions
      • block events are published
      • state App Hash is updated with the result from ResponseCommit


See block executor


[1] Block Executor

[2] Block Manager

[3] Block Validation

[4] ABCI documentation

Block and Header Validity


Like all blockchains, rollups are defined as the chain of valid blocks from the genesis, to the head. Thus, the block and header validity rules define the chain.

Verifying a block/header is done in 3 parts:

  1. Verify correct serialization according to the protobuf spec

  2. Perform basic validation of the types

  3. Perform verification of the new block against the previously accepted block

Basic Validation

Each type contains a .ValidateBasic() method, which verifies that certain basic invariants hold. The ValidateBasic() calls are nested, starting from the Block struct, all the way down to each subfield.

The nested basic validation, and validation checks, are called as follows:

  // Make sure the block's SignedHeader passes basic validation
    // Make sure the SignedHeader's Header passes basic validation
	  verify ProposerAddress not nil
	// Make sure the SignedHeader's signature passes basic validation
	  // Ensure that someone signed the block
	  verify len(c.Signatures) not 0
	If sh.Validators is nil, or len(sh.Validators.Validators) is 0, assume based rollup, pass validation, and skip all remaining checks.
	  // github.com/rollkit/cometbft/blob/main/types/validator.go#L37
	  verify sh.Validators is not nil, and len(sh.Validators.Validators) != 0
	  // apply basic validation to all Validators
	  for each validator:
		  validate not nil
		  validator.PubKey not nil
		  validator.VotingPower >= 0
		  validator.Address == correct size
	  // apply ValidateBasic to the proposer field:
		validate not nil
		validator.PubKey not nil
		validator.VotingPower >= 0
		validator.Address == correct size
    Assert that SignedHeader.Validators.Hash() == SignedHeader.AggregatorsHash
	Verify SignedHeader.Signature
  Data.ValidateBasic() // always passes
  // make sure the SignedHeader's DataHash is equal to the hash of the actual data in the block.
  Data.Hash() == SignedHeader.DataHash

Verification Against Previous Block

// code does not match spec: see https://github.com/rollkit/rollkit/issues/1277
  SignedHeader.Verify(untrustH *SignedHeader)
    // basic validation removed in #1231, because go-header already validates it
	Header.Verify(untrustH *SignedHeader)
	  if untrustH.Height == h.Height + 1, then apply the following check:
	    untrstH.AggregatorsHash[:], h.NextAggregatorsHash[:]
	if untrustH.Height > h.Height + 1:
	  soft verification failure	
	// We should know they're adjacent now,
	// verify the link to previous.
	untrustH.LastHeaderHash == h.Header.Hash()
	// Verify LastCommit hash
	untrustH.LastCommitHash == sh.Signature.GetCommitHash(...)


Field NameValid StateValidation
SignedHeaderHeader of the block, signed by proposer(See SignedHeader)
DataTransaction data of the blockData.Hash == SignedHeader.DataHash


Field NameValid StateValidation
HeaderValid header for the blockHeader passes ValidateBasic() and Verify()
Signature1 valid signature from the centralized sequencerSignature passes ValidateBasic(), with additional checks in SignedHeader.ValidateBasic()
ValidatorsArray of Aggregators, must have length exactly 1.Validators passes ValidateBasic()

Note: The AggregatorsHash and NextAggregatorsHash fields have been removed. Rollkit vA should ignore all Valset updates from the ABCI app, and always enforce that the proposer is the centralized sequencer set as the 1 validator in the genesis block.

Field NameValid StateValidation
BaseHeader .
HeightHeight of the previous accepted header, plus 1.checked in the `Verify()`` step
TimeTimestamp of the blockNot validated in Rollkit
ChainIDThe hard-coded ChainID of the chainShould be checked as soon as the header is received
Header .
LastHeaderHashThe hash of the previous accepted blockchecked in the `Verify()`` step
LastCommitHashThe hash of the previous accepted block's commitchecked in the `Verify()`` step
DataHashCorrect hash of the block's Data fieldchecked in the `ValidateBasic()`` step
AppHashThe correct state root after executing the block's transactions against the accepted statechecked during block execution
LastResultsHashCorrect results from executing transactionschecked during block execution
ProposerAddressAddress of the expected proposerchecked in the Verify() step
SignatureSignature of the expected proposersignature verification occurs in the ValidateBasic() step


Field NameValid StateValidation
ValidatorsArray of validators, each must pass Validator.ValidateBasic()Validator.ValidateBasic()
ProposerMust pass Validator.ValidateBasic()Validator.ValidateBasic()


Rollkit provides a wrapper for go-da, a generic data availability interface for modular blockchains, called DAClient with wrapper functionalities like SubmitBlocks and RetrieveBlocks to help block manager interact with DA more easily.


DAClient can connect via either gRPC or JSON-RPC transports using the go-da proxy/grpc or proxy/jsonrpc implementations. The connection can be configured using the following cli flags:

  • --rollkit.da_address: url address of the DA service (default: "grpc://localhost:26650")
  • --rollkit.da_auth_token: authentication token of the DA service
  • --rollkit.da_namespace: namespace to use when submitting blobs to the DA service

Given a set of blocks to be submitted to DA by the block manager, the SubmitBlocks first encodes the blocks using protobuf (the encoded data are called blobs) and invokes the Submit method on the underlying DA implementation. On successful submission (StatusSuccess), the DA block height which included in the rollup blocks is returned.

To make sure that the serialised blocks don't exceed the underlying DA's blob limits, it fetches the blob size limit by calling Config which returns the limit as uint64 bytes, then includes serialised blocks until the limit is reached. If the limit is reached, it submits the partial set and returns the count of successfully submitted blocks as SubmittedCount. The caller should retry with the remaining blocks until all the blocks are submitted. If the first block itself is over the limit, it throws an error.

The Submit call may result in an error (StatusError) based on the underlying DA implementations on following scenarios:

  • the total blobs size exceeds the underlying DA's limits (includes empty blobs)
  • the implementation specific failures, e.g., for celestia-da, invalid namespace, unable to create the commitment or proof, setting low gas price, etc, could return error.

The RetrieveBlocks retrieves the rollup blocks for a given DA height using go-da GetIDs and Get methods. If there are no blocks available for a given DA height, StatusNotFound is returned (which is not an error case). The retrieved blobs are converted back to rollup blocks and returned on successful retrieval.

Both SubmitBlocks and RetrieveBlocks may be unsuccessful if the DA node and the DA blockchain that the DA implementation is using have failures. For example, failures such as, DA mempool is full, DA submit transaction is nonce clashing with other transaction from the DA submitter account, DA node is not synced, etc.


See da implementation


[1] go-da

[2] celestia-da

[3] proxy/grpc

[4] proxy/jsonrpc

Full Node


A Full Node is a top-level service that encapsulates different components of Rollkit and initializes/manages them.


Full Node Details

A Full Node is initialized inside the Cosmos SDK start script along with the node configuration, a private key to use in the P2P client, a private key for signing blocks as a block proposer, a client creator, a genesis document, and a logger. It uses them to initialize the components described above. The components TxIndexer, BlockIndexer, and IndexerService exist to ensure cometBFT compatibility since they are needed for most of the RPC calls from the SignClient interface from cometBFT.

Note that unlike a light node which only syncs and stores block headers seen on the P2P layer, the full node also syncs and stores full blocks seen on both the P2P network and the DA layer. Full blocks contain all the transactions published as part of the block.

The Full Node mainly encapsulates and initializes/manages the following components:


The Cosmos SDK start script passes a client creator constructed using the relevant Cosmos SDK application to the Full Node's constructor which is then used to create the proxy app interface. When the proxy app is started, it establishes different ABCI app connections including Mempool, Consensus, Query, and Snapshot. The full node uses this interface to interact with the application.


The genesis document contains information about the initial state of the rollup chain, in particular its validator set.


The node configuration contains all the necessary settings for the node to be initialized and function properly.


The peer-to-peer client is used to gossip transactions between full nodes in the network.


The Mempool is the transaction pool where all the transactions are stored before they are added to a block.


The Store is initialized with DefaultStore, an implementation of the store interface which is used for storing and retrieving blocks, commits, and state. |


The Block Manager is responsible for managing the operations related to blocks such as creating and validating blocks.


The Data Availability Layer Client is used to interact with the data availability layer. It is initialized with the DA Layer and DA Config specified in the node configuration.


The Header Sync Service is used for syncing block headers between nodes over P2P.


The Block Sync Service is used for syncing blocks between nodes over P2P.

Message Structure/Communication Format

The Full Node communicates with other nodes in the network using the P2P client. It also communicates with the application using the ABCI proxy connections. The communication format is based on the P2P and ABCI protocols.

Assumptions and Considerations

The Full Node assumes that the configuration, private keys, client creator, genesis document, and logger are correctly passed in by the Cosmos SDK. It also assumes that the P2P client, data availability layer client, mempool, block manager, and other services can be started and stopped without errors.


See full node


[1] Full Node

[2] ABCI Methods

[3] Genesis Document

[4] Node Configuration

[5] Peer to Peer Client

[6] Mempool

[7] Store

[8] Store Interface

[9] Block Manager

[10] Data Availability Layer Client

[11] Header Sync Service

[12] Block Sync Service

Header Sync


The nodes in the P2P network sync headers using the header sync service that implements the go-header interface. The header sync service consists of several components as listed below.

storea headerEx prefixed datastore where synced headers are stored
subscribera libp2p node pubsub subscriber
P2P servera server for handling header requests between peers in the P2P network
exchangea client that enables sending in/out-bound header requests from/to the P2P network
syncera service for efficient synchronization for headers. When a P2P node falls behind and wants to catch up to the latest network head via P2P network, it can use the syncer.


All three types of nodes (sequencer, full, and light) run the header sync service to maintain the canonical view of the rollup chain (with respect to the P2P network).

The header sync service inherits the ConnectionGater from the node's P2P client which enables blocking and allowing peers as needed by specifying the P2PConfig.BlockedPeers and P2PConfig.AllowedPeers.

NodeConfig.BlockTime is used to configure the syncer such that it can effectively decide the outdated headers while it receives headers from the P2P network.

Both header and block sync utilizes go-header library and runs two separate sync services, for the headers and blocks. This distinction is mainly to serve light nodes which do not store blocks, but only headers synced from the P2P network.

Consumption of Header Sync

The sequencer node, upon successfully creating the block, publishes the signed block header to the P2P network using the header sync service. The full/light nodes run the header sync service in the background to receive and store the signed headers from the P2P network. Currently the full/light nodes do not consume the P2P synced headers, however they have future utilities in performing certain checks.


  • The header sync store is created by prefixing headerSync the main datastore.
  • The genesis ChainID is used to create the PubsubTopicID in go-header. For example, for ChainID gm, the pubsub topic id is /gm/header-sub/v0.0.1. Refer to go-header specs for further details.
  • The header store must be initialized with genesis header before starting the syncer service. The genesis header can be loaded by passing the genesis header hash via NodeConfig.TrustedHash configuration parameter or by querying the P2P network. This imposes a time constraint that full/light nodes have to wait for the sequencer to publish the genesis header to the P2P network before starting the header sync service.
  • The Header Sync works only when the node is connected to the P2P network by specifying the initial seeds to connect to via the P2PConfig.Seeds configuration parameter.
  • The node's context is passed down to all the components of the P2P header sync to control shutting down the service either abruptly (in case of failure) or gracefully (during successful scenarios).


The header sync implementation can be found in block/sync_service.go. The full and light nodes create and start the header sync service under full and light.


[1] Header Sync

[2] Full Node

[3] Light Node

[4] go-header

Indexer Service


The Indexer service indexes transactions and blocks using events emitted by the block executor that can later be used to build services like block explorers that ingest this data.

Protocol/Component Description

The Indexer service is started and stopped along with a Full Node. It consists of three main components: an event bus, a transaction indexer and a block indexer.

Event Bus

The event bus is a messaging service between the full node and the indexer service. It serves events emitted by the block executor of the full node to the indexer service where events are routed to the relevant indexer component based on type.

Block Indexer

The Block Indexer indexes BeginBlock and EndBlock events with an underlying KV store. Block events are indexed by their height, such that matching search criteria returns the respective block height(s).

Transaction Indexer

The Transaction Indexer is a key-value store-backed indexer that provides functionalities for indexing and searching transactions. It allows for the addition of a batch of transactions, indexing and storing a single transaction, retrieving a transaction specified by hash, and querying for transactions based on specific conditions. The indexer also supports range queries and can return results based on the intersection of multiple conditions.

Message Structure/Communication Format

The publishEvents method in the block executor is responsible for broadcasting several types of events through the event bus. These events include EventNewBlock, EventNewBlockHeader, EventNewBlockEvents, EventNewEvidence, and EventTx. Each of these events carries specific data related to the block or transaction they represent.

  1. EventNewBlock: Triggered when a new block is finalized. It carries the block data along with the results of the FinalizeBlock ABCI method.

  2. EventNewBlockHeader: Triggered alongside the EventNewBlock event. It carries the block header data.

  3. EventNewBlockEvents: Triggered when a new block is finalized. It carries the block height, the events associated with the block, and the number of transactions in the block.

  4. EventNewEvidence: Triggered for each piece of evidence in the block. It carries the evidence and the height of the block.

  5. EventTx: Triggered for each transaction in the block. It carries the result of the DeliverTx ABCI method for the transaction.

The OnStart method in indexer_service.go subscribes to these events. It listens for new blocks and transactions, and upon receiving these events, it indexes the transactions and blocks accordingly. The block indexer indexes EventNewBlockEvents, while the transaction indexer indexes the events inside EventTx. The events, EventNewBlock, EventNewBlockHeader, and EventNewEvidence are not currently used by the indexer service.

Assumptions and Considerations

The indexer service assumes that the messages passed by the block executor are valid block headers and valid transactions with the required fields such that they can be indexed by the respective block indexer and transaction indexer.


See indexer service


[1] Block Indexer

[2] Transaction Indexer

[3] Publish Events

[4] Indexer Service



The mempool module stores transactions which have not yet been included in a block, and provides an interface to check the validity of incoming transactions. It's defined by an interface here, with an implementation here.

Component Description

Full nodes instantiate a mempool here. A p2p.GossipValidator is constructed from the node's mempool here, which is used by Rollkit's P2P code to deal with peers who gossip invalid transactions. The mempool is also passed into the block manager constructor, which creates a BlockExecutor from the mempool.

The BlockExecutor calls ReapMaxBytesMaxGas in CreateBlock to get transactions from the pool for the new block. When commit is called, the BlockExecutor calls Update(...) on the mempool, removing the old transactions from the pool.


Several RPC methods query the mempool module: BroadcastTxCommit, BroadcastTxAsync, BroadcastTxSync call the mempool's CheckTx(...) method.


Function NameInput ArgumentsOutput TypeIntended Behavior
CheckTxtx types.Tx, callback func(*abci.Response), txInfo TxInfoerrorExecutes a new transaction against the application to determine its validity and whether it should be added to the mempool.
RemoveTxByKeytxKey types.TxKeyerrorRemoves a transaction, identified by its key, from the mempool.
ReapMaxBytesMaxGasmaxBytes, maxGas int64types.TxsReaps transactions from the mempool up to maxBytes bytes total with the condition that the total gasWanted must be less than maxGas. If both maxes are negative, there is no cap on the size of all returned transactions (~ all available transactions).
ReapMaxTxsmax inttypes.TxsReaps up to max transactions from the mempool. If max is negative, there is no cap on the size of all returned transactions (~ all available transactions).
LockN/AN/ALocks the mempool. The consensus must be able to hold the lock to safely update.
UnlockN/AN/AUnlocks the mempool.
UpdateblockHeight uint64, blockTxs types.Txs, deliverTxResponses []*abci.ResponseDeliverTx, newPreFn PreCheckFunc, newPostFn PostCheckFuncerrorInforms the mempool that the given txs were committed and can be discarded. This should be called after block is committed by consensus. Lock/Unlock must be managed by the caller.
FlushAppConnN/AerrorFlushes the mempool connection to ensure async callback calls are done, e.g., from CheckTx. Lock/Unlock must be managed by the caller.
FlushN/AN/ARemoves all transactions from the mempool and caches.
TxsAvailableN/A<-chan struct{}Returns a channel which fires once for every height when transactions are available in the mempool. The returned channel may be nil if EnableTxsAvailable was not called.
EnableTxsAvailableN/AN/AInitializes the TxsAvailable channel, ensuring it will trigger once every height when transactions are available.
SizeN/AintReturns the number of transactions in the mempool.
SizeBytesN/Aint64Returns the total size of all txs in the mempool.


Every rollup node (both full and light) runs a P2P client using go-libp2p P2P networking stack for gossiping transactions in the rollup's P2P network. The same P2P client is also used by the header and block sync services for gossiping headers and blocks.

Following parameters are required for creating a new instance of a P2P client:

  • P2PConfig (described below)
  • go-libp2p private key used to create a libp2p connection and join the p2p network.
  • chainID: rollup identifier used as namespace within the p2p network for peer discovery. The namespace acts as a sub network in the p2p network, where peer connections are limited to the same namespace.
  • datastore: an instance of go-datastore used for creating a connection gator and stores blocked and allowed peers.
  • logger
// P2PConfig stores configuration related to peer-to-peer networking.
type P2PConfig struct {
	ListenAddress string // Address to listen for incoming connections
	Seeds         string // Comma separated list of seed nodes to connect to
	BlockedPeers  string // Comma separated list of nodes to ignore
	AllowedPeers  string // Comma separated list of nodes to whitelist

A P2P client also instantiates a connection gator to block and allow peers specified in the P2PConfig.

It also sets up a gossiper using the gossip topic <chainID>+<txTopicSuffix> (txTopicSuffix is defined in p2p/client.go), a Distributed Hash Table (DHT) using the Seeds defined in the P2PConfig and peer discovery using go-libp2p's discovery.RoutingDiscovery.

A P2P client provides an interface SetTxValidator(p2p.GossipValidator) for specifying a gossip validator which can define how to handle the incoming GossipMessage in the P2P network. The GossipMessage represents message gossiped via P2P network (e.g. transaction, Block etc).

// GossipValidator is a callback function type.
type GossipValidator func(*GossipMessage) bool

The full nodes define a transaction validator (shown below) as gossip validator for processing the gossiped transactions to add to the mempool, whereas light nodes simply pass a dummy validator as light nodes do not process gossiped transactions.

// newTxValidator creates a pubsub validator that uses the node's mempool to check the
// transaction. If the transaction is valid, then it is added to the mempool
func (n *FullNode) newTxValidator() p2p.GossipValidator {
// Dummy validator that always returns a callback function with boolean `false`
func (ln *LightNode) falseValidator() p2p.GossipValidator {


[1] client.go

[2] go-datastore

[3] go-libp2p

[4] conngater

Rollkit RPC Equivalency


Rollkit RPC is a remote procedure call (RPC) service that provides a set of endpoints for interacting with a Rollkit node. It supports various protocols such as URI over HTTP, JSONRPC over HTTP, and JSONRPC over WebSockets.

Protocol/Component Description

Rollkit RPC serves a variety of endpoints that allow clients to query the state of the blockchain, broadcast transactions, and subscribe to events. The RPC service follows the specifications outlined in the CometBFT specification.

Rollkit RPC Functionality Coverage

RoutesFull NodeTest Coverage

Message Structure/Communication Format

The communication format depends on the protocol used. For HTTP-based protocols, the request and response are typically structured as JSON objects. For web socket-based protocols, the messages are sent as JSONRPC requests and responses.

Assumptions and Considerations

The RPC service assumes that the Rollkit node it interacts with is running and correctly configured. It also assumes that the client is authorized to perform the requested operations.


The implementation of the Rollkit RPC service can be found in the rpc/json/service.go file in the Rollkit repository.


[1] CometBFT RPC Specification [2] RPC Service Implementation

Block Executor


The BlockExecutor is a component responsible for creating, applying, and maintaining blocks and state in the system. It interacts with the mempool and the application via the ABCI interface.

Detailed Description

The BlockExecutor is initialized with a proposer address, namespace ID, chain ID, mempool, proxyApp, eventBus, and logger. It uses these to manage the creation and application of blocks. It also validates blocks and commits them, updating the state as necessary.

  • NewBlockExecutor: This method creates a new instance of BlockExecutor. It takes a proposer address, namespace ID, chain ID, mempool, proxyApp, eventBus, and logger as parameters. See block manager for details.

  • InitChain: This method initializes the chain by calling ABCI InitChainSync using the consensus connection to the app. It takes a GenesisDoc as a parameter. It sends a ABCI RequestInitChain message with the genesis parameters including:

    • Genesis Time
    • Chain ID
    • Consensus Parameters including:
      • Block Max Bytes
      • Block Max Gas
      • Evidence Parameters
      • Validator Parameters
      • Version Parameters
    • Initial Validator Set using genesis validators
    • Initial Height
  • CreateBlock: This method reaps transactions from the mempool and builds a block. It takes the state, the height of the block, last header hash, and the signature as parameters.

  • ApplyBlock: This method applies the block to the state. Given the current state and block to be applied, it:

    • Validates the block, as described in Validate.

    • Executes the block using app, as described in execute.

    • Captures the validator updates done in the execute block.

    • Updates the state using the block, block execution responses, and validator updates as described in updateState.

    • Returns the updated state, validator updates and errors, if any, after applying the block.

    • It can return the following named errors:

      • ErrEmptyValSetGenerate: returned when applying the validator changes would result in empty set.
      • ErrAddingValidatorToBased: returned when adding validators to empty validator set.
  • Validate: This method validates the block. It takes the state and the block as parameters. In addition to the basic block validation rules, it applies the following validations:

    • New block version must match block version of the state.
    • If state is at genesis, new block height must match initial height of the state.
    • New block height must be last block height + 1 of the state.
    • New block header AppHash must match state AppHash.
    • New block header LastResultsHash must match state LastResultsHash.
    • New block header AggregatorsHash must match state Validators.Hash().
  • Commit: This method commits the block and updates the mempool. Given the updated state, the block, and the ABCI ResponseFinalizeBlock as parameters, it:

    • Invokes app commit, basically finalizing the last execution, by calling ABCI Commit.
    • Updates the mempool to inform that the transactions included in the block can be safely discarded.
    • Publishes the events produced during the block execution for indexing.
  • updateState: This method updates the state. Given the current state, the block, the ABCI ResponseFinalizeBlock and the validator updates, it validates the updated validator set, updates the state by applying the block and returns the updated state and errors, if any. The state consists of:

    • Version
    • Chain ID
    • Initial Height
    • Last Block including:
      • Block Height
      • Block Time
      • Block ID
    • Next Validator Set
    • Current Validator Set
    • Last Validators
    • Whether Last Height Validators changed
    • Consensus Parameters
    • Whether Last Height Consensus Parameters changed
    • App Hash
  • execute: This method executes the block. It takes the context, the state, and the block as parameters. It calls the ABCI method FinalizeBlock with the ABCI RequestFinalizeBlock containing the block hash, ABCI header, commit, transactions and returns the ABCI ResponseFinalizeBlock and errors, if any.

  • publishEvents: This method publishes events related to the block. It takes the ABCI ResponseFinalizeBlock, the block, and the state as parameters.

Message Structure/Communication Format

The BlockExecutor communicates with the application via the ABCI interface. It calls the ABCI methods InitChainSync, FinalizeBlock, Commit for initializing a new chain and creating blocks, respectively.

Assumptions and Considerations

The BlockExecutor assumes that there is consensus connection available to the app, which can be used to send and receive ABCI messages. In addition there are some important pre-condition and post-condition invariants, as follows:

  • InitChain:

    • pre-condition:
      • state is at genesis.
    • post-condition:
      • new chain is initialized.
  • CreateBlock:

    • pre-condition:
      • chain is initialized
    • post-condition:
      • new block is created
  • ApplyBlock:

    • pre-condition:
      • block is valid, using basic block validation rules as well as validations performed in Validate, as described above.
    • post-condition:
      • block is added to the chain, state is updated and block execution responses are captured.
  • Commit:

    • pre-condition:
      • block has been applied
    • post-condition:
      • block is committed
      • mempool is cleared of block transactions
      • block events are published
      • state App Hash is updated with the result from ResponseCommit


See block executor


[1] Block Executor

[2] Block Manager

[3] Block Validation

[4] ABCI documentation



The Store interface defines methods for storing and retrieving blocks, commits, and the state of the blockchain.

Protocol/Component Description

The Store interface defines the following methods:

  • Height: Returns the height of the highest block in the store.
  • SetHeight: Sets given height in the store if it's higher than the existing height in the store.
  • SaveBlock: Saves a block along with its seen signature.
  • GetBlock: Returns a block at a given height.
  • GetBlockByHash: Returns a block with a given block header hash.
  • SaveBlockResponses: Saves block responses in the Store.
  • GetBlockResponses: Returns block results at a given height.
  • GetSignature: Returns a signature for a block at a given height.
  • GetSignatureByHash: Returns a signature for a block with a given block header hash.
  • UpdateState: Updates the state saved in the Store. Only one State is stored.
  • GetState: Returns the last state saved with UpdateState.
  • SaveValidators: Saves the validator set at a given height.
  • GetValidators: Returns the validator set at a given height.

The TxnDatastore interface inside go-datastore is used for constructing different key-value stores for the underlying storage of a full node. The are two different implementations of TxnDatastore in kv.go:

  • NewDefaultInMemoryKVStore: Builds a key-value store that uses the BadgerDB library and operates in-memory, without accessing the disk. Used only across unit tests and integration tests.

  • NewDefaultKVStore: Builds a key-value store that uses the BadgerDB library and stores the data on disk at the specified path.

A Rollkit full node is initialized using NewDefaultKVStore as the base key-value store for underlying storage. To store various types of data in this base key-value store, different prefixes are used: mainPrefix, dalcPrefix, and indexerPrefix. The mainPrefix equal to 0 is used for the main node data, dalcPrefix equal to 1 is used for Data Availability Layer Client (DALC) data, and indexerPrefix equal to 2 is used for indexing related data.

For the main node data, DefaultStore struct, an implementation of the Store interface, is used with the following prefixes for various types of data within it:

  • blockPrefix with value "b": Used to store blocks in the key-value store.
  • indexPrefix with value "i": Used to index the blocks stored in the key-value store.
  • commitPrefix with value "c": Used to store commits related to the blocks.
  • statePrefix with value "s": Used to store the state of the blockchain.
  • responsesPrefix with value "r": Used to store responses related to the blocks.
  • validatorsPrefix with value "v": Used to store validator sets at a given height.

For example, in a call to GetBlockByHash for some block hash <block_hash>, the key used in the full node's base key-value store will be /0/b/<block_hash> where 0 is the main store prefix and b is the block prefix. Similarly, in a call to GetValidators for some height <height>, the key used in the full node's base key-value store will be /0/v/<height> where 0 is the main store prefix and v is the validator set prefix.

Inside the key-value store, the value of these various types of data like Block is stored as a byte array which is encoded and decoded using the corresponding Protobuf marshal and unmarshal methods.

The store is most widely used inside the block manager and full client to perform their functions correctly. Within the block manager, since it has multiple go-routines in it, it is protected by a mutex lock, lastStateMtx, to synchronize read/write access to it and prevent race conditions.

Message Structure/Communication Format

The Store does not communicate over the network, so there is no message structure or communication format.

Assumptions and Considerations

The Store assumes that the underlying datastore is reliable and provides atomicity for transactions. It also assumes that the data passed to it for storage is valid and correctly formatted.


See Store Interface and Default Store for its implementation.


[1] Store Interface

[2] Default Store

[3] Full Node Store Initialization

[4] Block Manager

[5] Full Client

[6] Badger DB

[7] Go Datastore

[8] Key Value Store

[9] Serialization

Sequencer Selection Scheme


The Sequencer Selection scheme describes the process of selecting a block proposer i.e. sequencer from the validator set.

In the first version of Rollkit, this is a fixed pubkey, belonging to the centralized sequencer. The validator set may only ever have one "validator", the centralized sequencer.

Protocol/Component Description

There is exactly one sequencer which is configured at genesis. GenesisDoc usually contains an array of validators as it is imported from CometBFT. If there is more than one validator defined in the genesis validator set, an error is thrown.

The Header struct defines a field called ProposerAddress which is the pubkey of the original proposer of the block.

The SignedHeader struct commits over the header and the proposer address and stores the result in LastCommitHash.

A new untrusted header is verified by checking its ProposerAddress and matching it against the best-known header. In case of a mismatch, an error is thrown.

Message Structure/Communication Format

The primary structures encompassing validator information include SignedHeader, Header, and State. Some fields are repurposed from CometBFT as seen in GenesisDoc Validators.

Assumptions and Considerations

  1. There must be exactly one validator defined in the genesis file, which determines the sequencer for all the blocks.


The implementation is split across multiple functions including IsProposer, publishBlock, CreateBlock, and Verify among others, which are defined in various files like state.go, manager.go, block.go, header.go etc., within the repository.

See block manager


[1] Block Manager