ποΈ CosmWasm rollup β
This tutorial explores Rollkit, currently in Alpha. If you encounter bugs, please report them via a GitHub issue ticket or reach out in our Telegram group.
Rollkit is currently undergoing an execution overhaul with the creation of the go-execution interface. In the meantime, the execution tutorials should be considered out of date until they have been updated to use the new execution API. If you have question about a specific execution environment, please create a GitHub issue ticket or reach out in our Telegram group.
CosmWasm is a smart contracting platform built for the Cosmos ecosystem by making use of WebAssembly (Wasm) to build smart contracts for Cosmos-SDK. In this tutorial, we will be exploring how to integrate CosmWasm with local DA layer using Rollkit.
The smart contract we will use for this tutorial is one provided by the CosmWasm team for Nameservice purchasing.
You can check out the contract here.
How to write the Rust smart contract for Nameservice is outside the scope of this tutorial.
π» CosmWasm dependency β
As with the GM Rollup, we use kurtosis to help with managing all the services we need to run. You can install kurtosis here.
Once installed, you can verify the installation by running:
kurtosis version
CLI Version: 0.90.1
To see the engine version (provided it is running): kurtosis engine status
π Starting your rollup β
Now that we have kurtosis installed, we can launch our CosmWasm rollup along with the local DA by running the following command:
kurtosis run github.com/rollkit/cosmwasm@v0.2.0
You should see an output like this:
INFO[2024-07-02T11:15:43-04:00] Creating a new enclave for Starlark to run inside...
INFO[2024-07-11T11:53:13-04:00] Enclave 'forgotten-fen' created successfully
Container images used in this run:
> ghcr.io/rollkit/local-da:v0.2.1 - remotely downloaded
> ghcr.io/rollkit/cosmwasm:v0.1.0 - remotely downloaded
Adding service with name 'local-da' and image 'ghcr.io/rollkit/local-da:v0.2.1'
Service 'local-da' added with service UUID '96d04bc472c9455d88d046128fbdefa6'
Printing a message
connecting to da layer via
Printing a message
Adding CosmWasm service
Adding service with name 'wasm' and image 'ghcr.io/rollkit/cosmwasm:3b5a25b'
Service 'wasm' added with service UUID 'c71b0308616d40ad919ad24c3d14f35b'
Printing a message
CosmWasm service is available at
Starlark code successfully run. No output was returned.
β us on GitHub - https://github.com/kurtosis-tech/kurtosis
INFO[2024-07-11T11:53:27-04:00] ======================================================
INFO[2024-07-11T11:53:27-04:00] || Created enclave: forgotten-fen ||
INFO[2024-07-11T11:53:27-04:00] ======================================================
Name: forgotten-fen
UUID: 8cd936e91ada
Creation Time: Thu, 11 Jul 2024 11:53:00 EDT
========================================= Files Artifacts =========================================
========================================== User Services ==========================================
UUID Name Ports Status
96d04bc472c9 local-da jsonrpc: 7980/tcp -> RUNNING
c71b0308616d wasm grpc-addr: 9290/tcp -> RUNNING
p2p-laddr: 36656/tcp ->
rpc-laddr: 36657/tcp ->
Kurtosis has successfully launched the CosmWasm rollup and the local DA network. You can see the services running in docker as well:
docker ps
5bfeda0a871f ghcr.io/rollkit/cosmwasm:v0.1.0 "/bin/sh -c 'wasmd sβ¦" About a minute ago Up About a minute>9290/tcp,>36656-36657/tcp wasm--c71b0308616d40ad919ad24c3d14f35b
782dec73fcf8 ghcr.io/rollkit/local-da:v0.2.1 "local-da -listen-all" About a minute ago Up About a minute>7980/tcp local-da--96d04bc472c9455d88d046128fbdefa6
62da89015918 kurtosistech/core:0.90.1 "/bin/sh -c ./api-coβ¦" About a minute ago Up About a minute>7443/tcp kurtosis-api--8cd936e91ada45beab50f0d19be8c57f
1eb6366a5e16 fluent/fluent-bit:1.9.7 "/fluent-bit/bin/fluβ¦" About a minute ago Up About a minute 2020/tcp kurtosis-logs-collector--8cd936e91ada45beab50f0d19be8c57f
8bfee95b49ee kurtosistech/engine:0.90.1 "/bin/sh -c ./kurtosβ¦" 39 minutes ago Up 39 minutes>8081/tcp,>9710-9711/tcp,>9779/tcp kurtosis-engine--cee974a1c2b141478c9eb2a9b1e4f87f
d532fc82579f traefik:2.10.6 "/bin/sh -c 'mkdir -β¦" 39 minutes ago Up 39 minutes 80/tcp,>9730-9731/tcp kurtosis-reverse-proxy--cee974a1c2b141478c9eb2a9b1e4f87f
7700c0b72195 timberio/vector:0.31.0-debian "/bin/sh -c 'printf β¦" 39 minutes ago Up 39 minutes kurtosis-logs-aggregator
We can see the CosmWasm rollup running in container wasm--c71b0308616d40ad919ad24c3d14f35b
and the local DA network running in container local-da--96d04bc472c9455d88d046128fbdefa6
Let's hold on to the container name for the CosmWasm rollup, as we will need it later.
CW=$(docker ps --format '{{.Names}}' | grep wasm)
echo $CW
You can verify the rollup is running by checking the logs:
docker logs $CW
3:55PM INF Creating and publishing block height=137 module=BlockManager
3:55PM INF finalized block block_app_hash=E71622A57B08D28613A34E3D7AD36BF294CF5A88F4CDD5DD18E6FB65C76F7209 height=137 module=BlockManager num_txs_res=0 num_val_updates=0
3:55PM INF executed block app_hash=E71622A57B08D28613A34E3D7AD36BF294CF5A88F4CDD5DD18E6FB65C76F7209 height=137 module=BlockManager
3:55PM INF indexed block events height=137 module=txindex
3:55PM INF Creating and publishing block height=138 module=BlockManager
3:55PM INF finalized block block_app_hash=E09F4A71E216D85F4CCB9FCBCEE53D82BCA597451C1D4B4FCE0E4081B5FA40E3 height=138 module=BlockManager num_txs_res=0 num_val_updates=0
3:55PM INF executed block app_hash=E09F4A71E216D85F4CCB9FCBCEE53D82BCA597451C1D4B4FCE0E4081B5FA40E3 height=138 module=BlockManager
Good work so far, we have a Rollup node, DA network node, now we can move onto the contract deployment.
π Contract deployment on CosmWasm with Rollkit β
π€ Compile the smart contract β
To compile the smart contract, you can use our docker image.
First download the image:
docker pull ghcr.io/rollkit/contract:v0.2.0
Then run the container:
docker run --rm -d --name cw ghcr.io/rollkit/contract:v0.2.0
The container is now running and has the pre-built nameservice contract for us. Let's copy it out of the container.
docker cp cw:/root/cw-contracts/contracts/nameservice .
We now have the nameservice contract in the nameservice
ποΈ Optimized smart contract β
Because we are deploying the compiled smart contract to wasmd
, we want it to be as small as possible.
The CosmWasm team provides a tool called rust-optimizer
, which requires Docker in order to compile.
Run the following command in the ~/nameservice
directory you just copied:
sudo docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)":/code \
--mount type=volume,source="$(basename "$(pwd)")_cache",target=/code/target \
--mount type=volume,source=registry_cache,target=/usr/local/cargo/registry \
This will place the optimized Wasm bytecode at artifacts/cw_nameservice.wasm
π Contract deployment β
Let's now deploy our smart contract!
We will need to do this in the docker container that the CosmWasm rollup is running. So first let's move the compiled contract to the container:
docker cp artifacts/cw_nameservice.wasm $CW:/root/cw_nameservice.wasm
Now let's jump into the container:
docker exec -it $CW sh
In order to deploy a contract, you can use the command line as described below. For a better experience and to use Rust code instead of the command line to deploy/script and test your contracts, you can use cw-orchestrator.
TX_HASH=$(wasmd tx wasm store cw_nameservice.wasm --from localwasm-key --keyring-backend test --chain-id localwasm --gas-prices 0.025uwasm --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.3 --node --output json -y | jq -r '.txhash') && echo $TX_HASH
This will get you the transaction hash for the smart contract deployment.
If you run into errors with variables on the previous command, or commands in the remainder of the tutorial, cross-reference the variables in the command with the variables in the init.sh
π Contract interaction on CosmWasm β
In the previous steps, we have stored out contract's tx hash in an environment variable for later use.
The following guide will show you how to deploy and interact with a contract using CLI. For scripting using Rust, you can use cw-orchestrator.
π Contract querying β
Now, let's query our transaction hash for its code ID:
CODE_ID=$(wasmd query tx --type=hash $TX_HASH --node --output json | jq -r '.events[-1].attributes[1].value')
echo $CODE_ID
This will give us back the Code ID of the deployed contract.
In our case, since it's the first contract deployed on our local network, the value is 1
Now, we can take a look at the contracts instantiated by this Code ID:
wasmd query wasm list-contract-by-code $CODE_ID --node --output json
We get the following output:
π Contract instantiation β
We start instantiating the contract by writing up the following INIT
message for nameservice contract. Here, we are specifying that purchase_price
of a name is 100uwasm
and transfer_price
is 999uwasm
wasmd tx wasm instantiate $CODE_ID "$INIT" --from localwasm-key --keyring-backend test --label "name service" --chain-id localwasm --gas-prices 0.025uwasm --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.3 -y --no-admin --node
π Contract interaction β
Now that we instantiated it, we can interact further with the contract:
wasmd query wasm list-contract-by-code $CODE_ID --output json --node
CONTRACT=$(wasmd query wasm list-contract-by-code $CODE_ID --output json --node | jq -r '.contracts[-1]')
wasmd query wasm contract --node $CONTRACT
wasmd query bank balances --node $CONTRACT
This allows us to see the contract address, contract details, and bank balances.
Your output will look similar to below:
address: wasm14hj2tavq8fpesdwxxcu44rty3hh90vhujrvcmstl4zr3txmfvw9s0phg4d
admin: ""
code_id: "1"
created: null
creator: wasm1y9ceqvnsnm9xtcdmhrjvv4rslgwfzmrzky2c5z
extension: null
ibc_port_id: ""
label: name service
balances: []
next_key: null
total: "0"
Now, let's register a name to the contract for our wallet address:
wasmd tx wasm execute $CONTRACT "$REGISTER" --amount 100uwasm --from localwasm-key --chain-id localwasm --gas-prices 0.025uwasm --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.3 --node --keyring-backend test -y
Your output will look similar to below:
gas estimate: 167533
code: 0
codespace: ""
data: ""
events: []
gas_used: "0"
gas_wanted: "0"
height: "0"
info: ""
logs: []
raw_log: '[]'
timestamp: ""
tx: null
txhash: C147257485B72E7FFA5FDB943C94CE951A37817554339586FFD645AD2AA397C3
If you try to register the same name again, you'll see an expected error:
Error: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to execute message; message index: 0: Name has been taken (name fred): execute wasm contract failed [CosmWasm/wasmd/x/wasm/keeper/keeper.go:364] With gas wanted: '0' and gas used: '123809' : unknown request
Next, query the owner of the name record:
NAME_QUERY='{"resolve_record": {"name": "fred"}}'
wasmd query wasm contract-state smart $CONTRACT "$NAME_QUERY" --node --output json
You'll see the owner's address in a JSON response:
With that, we have instantiated and interacted with the CosmWasm nameservice smart contract on our local DA network using Rollkit!