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How to use IBC token (TIA) as gas token in your rollup ​

🌞 Introduction ​

This tutorial will guide you through building a sovereign gm-world rollup using Rollkit, with TIA as the gas token. Unlike the quick start guide, which uses a native rollup token for gas, this tutorial demonstrates how to integrate an IBC-enabled token, TIA, as the gas token within the rollup, providing a deeper exploration of sovereign rollup development.

We will cover:

  • Building and configuring a Cosmos-SDK application-specific rollup blockchain.
  • Posting rollup data to a Data Availability (DA) network.
  • Executing transactions using TIA as the gas token (the end goal).

No prior understanding of the build process is required, just that it utilizes the Cosmos SDK for blockchain applications.


This tutorial explores Rollkit, currently in Alpha. If you encounter bugs, please report them via a GitHub issue ticket or reach out in our Telegram group.

πŸ› οΈ Dependencies ​

Rollkit uses the Go programming language. Here's how to install it:

  • Linux or macOS: Run the provided script:

    curl -sSL | bash -s go1.22.3

πŸ“¦ Install Rollkit (CLI) ​

To install Rollkit, run the following command in your terminal:

curl -sSL | sh -s v0.13.6

Verify the installation by checking the Rollkit version:

rollkit version

A successful installation will display the version number and its associated git commit hash.

🌐 Running a Local DA Network ​

Learn to run a local DA network, designed for educational purposes, on your machine.

To set up a local DA network node:

(cd /tmp && curl -sSL | bash -s v0.2.0)

This script builds and runs the node, now listening on port 7980.

πŸ—οΈ Building Your Sovereign Rollup ​

With the local DA network running, let’s prepare your rollup blockchain.

To make it simple, we will download a repository with a gm-world rollup that includes an script to handle all the setup for you.

Download and build a gm-world rollup with an interactive script in a new terminal:


Ensure the jq command line tool is installed before proceeding. Install it using sudo apt-get install jq on Ubuntu or brew install jq on macOS.


If you get errors of gmd not found, you may need to add the go/bin directory to your PATH. You can do this by running export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/go/bin and then running the script manually again.

curl -sSL | sh

πŸ› οΈ Initialize Rollkit TOML Configuration ​

Change to the gm directory and initialize the rollkit toml configuration:

cd ./gm && rollkit toml init

Edit the rollkit.toml file to include the following configuration:

entrypoint = "/root/gm/cmd/gmd/main.go"

  config_dir = "./.gm"

πŸš€ Starting your rollup ​

Start the rollup, posting to the local DA network:

rollkit start --rollkit.aggregator --rollkit.da_address http://localhost:7980 --minimum-gas-prices="0.02ibc/C3E53D20BC7A4CC993B17C7971F8ECD06A433C10B6A96F4C4C3714F0624C56DA,0.025stake"

Note that we specified the gas token to be IBC TIA. We still haven't made an IBC connection to Celestia's Mocha testnet, however, if we assume our first channel will be an ICS-20 transfer channel to Celestia, we can already calculate the token denom using this formula:

"ibc/" + toHex(sha256(toUtf8("transfer/channel-0/utia"))).toUpperCase();

Now you should see the logs of the running node:

12:21PM INF starting node with ABCI CometBFT in-process module=server
12:21PM INF starting node with Rollkit in-process module=server
12:21PM INF service start impl=multiAppConn module=proxy msg="Starting multiAppConn service"
12:21PM INF service start connection=query impl=localClient module=abci-client msg="Starting localClient service"
12:21PM INF service start connection=snapshot impl=localClient module=abci-client msg="Starting localClient service"
12:21PM INF service start connection=mempool impl=localClient module=abci-client msg="Starting localClient service"
12:21PM INF service start connection=consensus impl=localClient module=abci-client msg="Starting localClient service"
12:21PM INF service start impl=EventBus module=events msg="Starting EventBus service"
12:21PM INF service start impl=PubSub module=pubsub msg="Starting PubSub service"
12:21PM INF Using default mempool ttl MempoolTTL=25 module=BlockManager
12:21PM INF service start impl=IndexerService module=txindex msg="Starting IndexerService service"
12:21PM INF service start impl=RPC module=server msg="Starting RPC service"
12:21PM INF service start impl=Node module=server msg="Starting Node service"
12:21PM INF starting P2P client module=server
12:21PM INF serving HTTP listen address= module=server
12:21PM INF listening on address=/ip4/ module=p2p
12:21PM INF listening on address=/ip4/ module=p2p
12:21PM INF no seed nodes - only listening for connections module=p2p
12:21PM INF working in aggregator mode block time=1000 module=server
12:21PM INF Creating and publishing block height=22 module=BlockManager
12:21PM INF starting gRPC server... address= module=grpc-server
12:21PM INF finalized block block_app_hash=235D3710D61F347DBBBDD6FD63AA7687842D1EF9CB475C712856D7DA32F82F09 height=22 module=BlockManager num_txs_res=0 num_val_updates=0
12:21PM INF executed block app_hash=235D3710D61F347DBBBDD6FD63AA7687842D1EF9CB475C712856D7DA32F82F09 height=22 module=BlockManager
12:21PM INF indexed block events height=22 module=txindex

✨ Connecting to Celestia Mocha testnet using IBC ​

Next, we will establish an IBC connection with the Celestia Mocha testnet to enable TIA transfers for gas usage on our rollup.

Install the IBC relayer:

git clone --depth 1 --branch v2.5.2 /tmp/relayer
cd /tmp/relayer
make install

Configure the relayer:

rly config init

mkdir -p "$HOME/.relayer/keys/{gm,mocha-4}"

echo "global:
    api-listen-addr: :5183
    timeout: 10s
    memo: ''
    light-cache-size: 20
    log-level: info
    ics20-memo-limit: 0
    max-receiver-size: 150
        type: cosmos
            key-directory: '$HOME/.relayer/keys/gm'
            key: a
            chain-id: gm
            rpc-addr: http://localhost:26657
            account-prefix: gm
            keyring-backend: test
            gas-adjustment: 1.5
            gas-prices: 0.025stake
            min-gas-amount: 0
            max-gas-amount: 0
            debug: false
            timeout: 20s
            block-timeout: ''
            output-format: json
            sign-mode: direct
            extra-codecs: []
            coin-type: 118
            signing-algorithm: ''
            broadcast-mode: batch
            min-loop-duration: 0s
            extension-options: []
            feegrants: null
        type: cosmos
            key-directory: '$HOME/.relayer/keys/mocha-4'
            key: a
            chain-id: mocha-4
            account-prefix: celestia
            keyring-backend: test
            gas-adjustment: 1.5
            gas-prices: 0.15utia
            min-gas-amount: 0
            max-gas-amount: 0
            debug: false
            timeout: 20s
            block-timeout: ''
            output-format: json
            sign-mode: direct
            extra-codecs: []
            coin-type: 118
            signing-algorithm: ''
            broadcast-mode: batch
            min-loop-duration: 0s
            extension-options: []
            feegrants: null
            chain-id: gm
            chain-id: mocha-4
            rule: ''
            channel-list: []
" > "$HOME/.relayer/config/config.yaml"

rly keys restore gm_rollup a "regret resist either bid upon yellow leaf early symbol win market vital"
rly keys restore mocha     a "regret resist either bid upon yellow leaf early symbol win market vital"

Get the relayer accounts:

rly address gm_rollup a # => gm1jqevcsld0dqpjp3csfg7alkv3lehvn8uswknrc
rly address mocha     a # => celestia1jqevcsld0dqpjp3csfg7alkv3lehvn8u04ymsu

Note: These accounts should always be the same because of the hardcoded mnemonics that we've loaded in the rly keys restore step.

Fund the relayer on our rollup:

rollkit tx bank send gm-key-2 gm1jqevcsld0dqpjp3csfg7alkv3lehvn8uswknrc 10000000stake --keyring-backend test --chain-id gm --fees 5000stake -y

Fund the relayer on the Celestia Mocha testnet:

Mocha Testnet Faucet Instructions.

Verify the relayer is funded:

rly q balance mocha     a # => address {celestia1jqevcsld0dqpjp3csfg7alkv3lehvn8u04ymsu} balance {10000000utia}
rly q balance gm_rollup a # => address {gm1jqevcsld0dqpjp3csfg7alkv3lehvn8uswknrc} balance {10000000stake}

Create IBC clients:

rly tx client gm_rollup mocha gm_mocha-4 --override
rly tx client mocha gm_rollup gm_mocha-4 --override

Create IBC connection:

rly tx connection gm_mocha-4

Create IBC channel:

rly tx channel gm_mocha-4 --src-port transfer --dst-port transfer --version ics20-1

Start the relayer:

rly start gm_mocha-4

Transfer TIA from Mocha to our rollup:

ACCOUNT_ON_ROLLUP="$(rollkit keys show -a --keyring-backend test gm-key-2)"
CHANNEL_ID_ON_MOCHA="$(rly q channels mocha gm_rollup | jq -r .channel_id | tail -1)"

rly tx transfer mocha gm_rollup 1000000utia "$ACCOUNT_ON_ROLLUP" "$CHANNEL_ID_ON_MOCHA" --path gm_mocha-4

Verify the account on our rollup is funded with IBC TIA:

rollkit q bank balances "$(rollkit keys show -a --keyring-backend test gm-key-2)"
# =>
# balances:
# - amount: "1000000"
#   denom: ibc/C3E53D20BC7A4CC993B17C7971F8ECD06A433C10B6A96F4C4C3714F0624C56DA
# - amount: "9999999999999999989995000"
#   denom: stake
# pagination:
#   total: "2"

πŸ’Έ Transactions ​

Finally, send a transaction on our rollup using IBC TIA as the gas token:

ACCOUNT_ON_ROLLUP="$(rollkit keys show -a --keyring-backend test gm-key-2)"

# Send the transaction
TX_HASH=$(rollkit tx bank send "$ACCOUNT_ON_ROLLUP" "$ACCOUNT_ON_ROLLUP" 1stake --keyring-backend test --chain-id gm --gas-prices 0.02ibc/C3E53D20BC7A4CC993B17C7971F8ECD06A433C10B6A96F4C4C3714F0624C56DA -y --output json | jq -r .txhash)

# Verify success
rollkit q tx "$TX_HASH" --output json | jq .code # => 0

πŸŽ‰ Next steps ​

Congratulations! You've built a local rollup that posts to a local DA network and uses TIA as the gas token!

Released under the APACHE-2.0 License