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Speed up your development with cw-orchestrator


cw-orchestrator is the most advanced scripting, testing, and deployment framework for CosmWasm smart-contracts. It makes it easy to write cross-environment compatible code for cw-multi-test, Test Tube, Starship (alpha), and live networks, significantly reducing code duplication and test-writing time.

Get ready to change the way you interact with contracts and simplify you smart-contracts journey. The following steps will allow you to integrate cw-orch and write clean code such as:

counter.instantiate(&InstantiateMsg { count: 0 }, None, None)?;
let count = counter.get_count()?;
assert_eq!(count.count, 1);

In this quick-start guide, we will review the necessary steps in order to integrate cw-orch into a simple contract crate. We review integration of rust-workspaces (multiple contracts) at the end of this page.

NOTE: Quicker than the quick start

If you're moving quicker than everybody else, we suggest looking at a before-after review of this example integration. This will help you catch the additions you need to make to your contract to be able to interact with it using cw-orchestrator.

NOTE: If you want to go more in depth, browse the full cw-orch documentation.


Single Contract Integration

Throughout this example, we will be using cw-orch to interact with a simple counter contract. All the steps below apply to any smart contract, no matter the complexity.

Adding cw-orch to your Cargo.toml file

To use cw-orchestrator, you need to add cw-orch to your contract's TOML file. Run the command below in your contract's directory:

cargo add cw-orch

Alternatively, you can add it manually in your Cargo.toml file as shown below:

cw-orch = {version = "0.21.2" } # Latest version at time of writing

Creating an Interface

When using a single contract, we advise creating an file inside your contract's directory. You then need to add this module to your file. In order for this interface code to not land in your WASM smart-contracts you need to target-flag it like so:

#[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
mod interface;

Then, inside that file, you can define the interface for your contract:

use cw_orch::{interface, prelude::*};
use crate::msg::{ExecuteMsg, InstantiateMsg, MigrateMsg, QueryMsg};
pub const CONTRACT_ID: &str = "counter_contract";
#[interface(InstantiateMsg, ExecuteMsg, QueryMsg, MigrateMsg, id = CONTRACT_ID)]
pub struct CounterContract;
impl<Chain: CwEnv> Uploadable for CounterContract<Chain> {
    /// Return the path to the wasm file corresponding to the contract
    fn wasm(&self) -> WasmPath {
    /// Returns a CosmWasm contract wrapper
    fn wrapper(&self) -> Box<dyn MockContract<Empty>> {

Learn more about the content of the interface creation specifics in the cw-orch documentation

NOTE: It can be useful to re-export this struct to simplify usage (in

#[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
pub use crate::interface::CounterContract;

Interaction helpers

cw-orchestrator provides a additional macros that simplify contract calls and queries. The macro implements functions on the interface for each variant of the contract's ExecuteMsg and QueryMsg.

Enabling this functionality is very straightforward. Find your ExecuteMsg and QueryMsg definitions (in in our example) and add the ExecuteFns and QueryFns derive macros to them like below:

#[derive(cw_orch::ExecuteFns)] // Function generation
/// Execute methods for counter
pub enum ExecuteMsg {
    /// Increment count by one
    Increment {},
    /// Reset count
    Reset {
        /// Count value after reset
        count: i32,
#[derive(cw_orch::QueryFns)] // Function generation
/// Query methods for counter
pub enum QueryMsg {
    /// GetCount returns the current count as a json-encoded number
    GetCount {},
// Custom response for the query
/// Response from get_count query
pub struct GetCountResponse {
    /// Current count in the state
    pub count: i32,

Find out more about the interaction helpers in the cw-orch documentation

NOTE: Again, it can be useful to re-export these generated traits to simplify usage (in

pub use crate::msg::{ExecuteMsgFns as CounterExecuteMsgFns, QueryMsgFns as CounterQueryMsgFns};

Using the integration

Now that all the setup is done, you can use your contract in tests, integration-tests or scripts.

Start by importing your crate in [dependencies] or [dev-dependencies]:

counter-contract = { path = "../counter-contract" }

You can now use:

use counter_contract::{
    msg::InstantiateMsg, CounterContract, CounterExecuteMsgFns, CounterQueryMsgFns,
use cw_orch::{anyhow, prelude::*, tokio};
use tokio::runtime::Runtime;
const LOCAL_MNEMONIC: &str = "clip hire initial neck maid actor venue client foam budget lock catalog sweet steak waste crater broccoli pipe steak sister coyote moment obvious choose";
pub fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    std::env::set_var("LOCAL_MNEMONIC", LOCAL_MNEMONIC);
    dotenv::dotenv().ok(); // Used to load the `.env` file if any
    pretty_env_logger::init(); // Used to log contract and chain interactions
    let rt = Runtime::new()?;
    let network = networks::LOCAL_JUNO;
    let chain = DaemonBuilder::default()
    let counter = CounterContract::new(chain);
    counter.instantiate(&InstantiateMsg { count: 0 }, None, None)?;
    let count = counter.get_count()?;
    assert_eq!(count.count, 1);

Integration in a workspace

In this paragraph, we will use the cw-plus repository as an example. You can review:

Handling dependencies and features

When using workspaces, you need to add cw-orch to all crates that include ExecuteMsg and QueryMsg used in your contracts and derive the ExecuteFns and QueryFns on them.

Refer above to Interaction helpers for more details on how to do that.

For instance, for the cw20_base contract, you need to execute those 2 steps on the cw20-base contract (where the QueryMsg are defined) as well as on the cw20 package (where the ExecuteMsg are defined).

Creating an interface crate

When using a workspace, we advise you to create a new crate inside your workspace for defining your contract's interfaces. In order to do that, use:

cargo new interface --lib
cargo add cw-orch --package interface

Add the interface package to your workspace Cargo.toml file

members = ["packages/*", "contracts/*", "interface"]

Inside this interface crate, we advise to integrate all your contracts 1 by 1 in separate files. Here is the structure of the cw-plus integration for reference:

interface (interface collection)
├── Cargo.toml
└── src
    └── ..

When importing your crates to get the messages types, you can use the following command in the interface folder.

cargo add cw20-base --path ../contracts/cw20-base/
cargo add cw20 --path ../packages/cw20

Integrating single contracts

Now that you workspace is setup, you can integrate with single contracts using the above section

More examples and scripts

You can find more example interactions on the counter-contract example directly in the cw-orchestrator repo:

FINAL ADVICE: Learn more and explore our full cw-orch documentation !.

Released under the APACHE-2.0 License