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Quick start guide for Omni Octane with Rollkit

This guide will help you quickly set up and run an Omni node using Rollkit and local-DA.

📦 Clone the Omni repository

To get started, clone the Omni repository with the Rollkit branch:

git clone -b rollkit
cd omni

🏗️ Build Docker images

Before running Omni, you need to build the Docker images. This step requires GoReleaser to be installed on your system. If you don't have GoReleaser, you'll need to install it first:

  • On macOS with Homebrew:
    brew install goreleaser
  • On Linux or Windows with Go installed:
    go install

Make sure GoReleaser is in your PATH after installation.

Once GoReleaser is installed, run the following command to build the Docker images:

make build-docker

This command will build all the necessary Docker images for running Omni with Rollkit.

If you encounter any issues with GoReleaser or the build process, make sure you have sufficient free space on your machine. You can check your available disk space using the df -h command on Linux/macOS or powershell -command "Get-PSDrive -PSProvider 'FileSystem'" on Windows.

🚀 Deploy Omni with Rollkit and local-DA

To start your Omni node with Rollkit and local-DA, execute:

make devnet-zero-deploy

Upon execution, the command will set up and start your Omni node. You should see output indicating the progress and status of your node.

🛑 Stopping the node

When you're done and want to stop the Omni node, use the following command:

make devnet-zero-clean

This will stop all running containers and clean up the environment.

🎉 Conclusion

That's it! You've successfully set up and run an Omni node with Rollkit and local-DA. This setup allows you to experiment with Omni's capabilities integrated with Rollkit.

Released under the APACHE-2.0 License