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GM world rollup: Deploying to Celestia โ€‹

๐ŸŒž Introduction โ€‹

This tutorial serves as a comprehensive guide for deploying your GM world rollup on Celestia's data availability (DA) network. From the Rollkit perspective, there's no difference in posting blocks to Celestia's testnets or Mainnet Beta.

Before proceeding, ensure that you have completed the GM world rollup tutorial, which covers setting up a local sovereign gm-world rollup and connecting it to a local (mock) DA node.

๐Ÿชถ Running a Celestia light node โ€‹

Before you can start your rollup node, you need to initiate, sync, and possibly fund a light node on one of Celestia's networks:

The main difference lies in how you fund your wallet address: using testnet TIA or TIA for Mainnet Beta.

After successfully starting a light node, it's time to start posting the batches of blocks of data that your rollup generates.

๐Ÿงน Cleaning previous chain history โ€‹

From the GM world rollup tutorial, you should already have the gmd binary and the $HOME/.gm directory.

To clear old rollup data:

rm -r $(which gmd) && rm -rf $HOME/.gm

๐Ÿ—๏ธ Building your rollup โ€‹

Now we need to rebuild our rollup by simply running the existing script:

cd $HOME/gm && bash

This process creates a new $HOME/.gm directory and a new gmd binary. Next, we need to connect our rollup to the running Celestia light node.

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Configuring flags for DA โ€‹

Now we're prepared to initiate our rollup and establish a connection with the Celestia light node. The gmd start command requires three DA configuration flags:

  • --rollkit.da_start_height
  • --rollkit.da_auth_token
  • --rollkit.da_namespace

Let's determine what to provide for each of them.

First, let's query the DA Layer start height using an RPC endpoint provided by Celestia Labs. For Mocha testnet it would be -, and for mainnet beta -

Here is an example for the Mocha testnet (replace URL for mainnet beta if needed):

DA_BLOCK_HEIGHT=$(curl | jq -r '.result.block.header.height')
echo -e "\n Your DA_BLOCK_HEIGHT is $DA_BLOCK_HEIGHT \n"

You will see the output like this:

Your DA_BLOCK_HEIGHT is 1777655

Now, obtain an authentication token for your light node as follows (for Mainnet Beta, simply omit the flag):

AUTH_TOKEN=$(celestia light auth write mocha)
echo -e "\n Your DA AUTH_TOKEN is $AUTH_TOKEN \n"

The output will look like this:

Your DA AUTH_TOKEN is eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJBbGxvdyI6WyJwdWJsaWMiLCJyZWFkIiwid3JpdGUiXX0.cSrJjpfUdTNFtzGho69V0D_8kyECn9Mzv8ghJSpKRDE

Now, let's also set up a namespace for our blocks by simply setting a variable like this:



00000000000000000000000000000000000000000008e5f679bf7116cb is a default namespace for Mocha testnet. You can set your own by using a command similar to this (or, you could get creative ๐Ÿ˜Ž):

openssl rand -hex 10

Replace the last 20 characters (10 bytes) in 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000008e5f679bf7116cb with the newly generated 10 bytes.

Learn more about namespaces.

๐Ÿ”ฅ Running your rollup connected to a Celestia light node โ€‹

Now let's run our rollup node with all DA flags:

gmd start \
    --rollkit.aggregator \
    --rollkit.da_auth_token $AUTH_TOKEN \
    --rollkit.da_namespace $DA_NAMESPACE \
    --rollkit.da_start_height $DA_BLOCK_HEIGHT \

Now, the rollup is running and posting blocks (aggregated in batches) to Celestia. You can view your rollup by finding your namespace or account on Mocha testnet or mainnet beta explorers.


For details on configuring gas prices specifically for the DA network, see our DA Network Gas Price Guide. This is separate from the --minimum-gas-prices="0.025stake" setting, which is used for rollup network operations.

๐ŸŽ‰ Next steps โ€‹

Congratulations! You've built a local rollup that posts to Celestia's testnets or Mainnet Beta. Well done! Now, go forth and build something great! Good luck!

Released under the APACHE-2.0 License